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November 06, 2008


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Wow. That was not easy. I do not see myself as a momma's boy, or conflict avoiding, but this situation showed me that I'm no John Wayne.
I think I found excuses not to follow through with what I knew I should do and what made sense to do for about a month.
First, I noticed that when I was there I would just relax and really not watch my son. My wife and I started to be a little more watchful and preventive in our approach with him while not at home. But, this was not the solution and I knew it.
Finally, I talked to my mom about discipline. We talked about how when my wife or I are there that we would appreciate it if she let us do the discipline. She was defensive at first, but I told her that she didn't have to be the bad guy when we were around - she could just enjoy being Grandma and let us take on discipline.
She has not completely backed off, but she seems to look to see what we will do first. Still, at times, she will step in, but backs off once she sees what she is doing.
Old habits die hard. I am praying that she will see her impatience as sin...this might be what pushes her to the Savior. I am also praying for the next talk about how she does discipline; I don't expect it to be easy, but I am looking forward to seeing God work.
Thank you for encouraging me in this direction!

Jay Younts

Thanks for getting back! May God richly bless your faithfulness to him. Thanks, too, for encouraging others- the issues you are facing are by no means unique to you and your family. Blessings to you. Jay

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